As Sonic the Hedgehog prepares for his next adventure in Sonic the Hedgehog 3, director Jeff Fowler has spotlighted Keanu Reeves’s dedication to portraying Shadow the Hedgehog. In this sequel, Sonic (voiced by Ben Schwartz) faces his dark rival, Shadow, who has a complex past. This confrontation leads Sonic to form an unexpected alliance with former foes.
Shadow first appeared in 2001’s Sonic Adventure 2 and quickly became a fan favorite. During a recent appearance at the Sonic Revolution’s Shadow Revolution live-stream event, Fowler shared insights about the upcoming film. Although he refrained from revealing any spoilers, he expressed admiration for Reeves’s commitment to the role.
Fowler highlighted Reeves’s understanding of Shadow’s significance in the story and his ability to blend with the cast. He noted, “It’s incredible that we got Keanu Reeves to voice the character. He was fantastic to work with and truly grasped what we wanted. He was excited to bring his interpretation to life and worked hard to ensure he got it right, providing multiple takes of each line.”
Fowler also emphasized that Reeves approached the role with great awareness, demonstrating that he had researched the character thoroughly. This preparation gave Fowler confidence that audiences would connect with Reeves’s portrayal.
“It wasn’t just about reading lines; he wanted to create a version of Shadow that fans would love. In our first meeting, it was clear he had done his homework. I can’t say enough good things about what Keanu brought to the character and to the filmmaking process. I believe people will really enjoy his interpretation of Shadow,” Fowler stated.
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