The much-anticipated trailer for Study Group, an upcoming South Korean drama, has been released. The trailer features main stars Hwang Minhyun, Han Ji Eun, and Cha Woo Min. The show follows Yoon Ga Min, a student torn between his academic goals and natural fighting abilities.
Released on January 20, 2025, the trailer introduces Yoon Ga Min, a passionate student who struggles with academics despite his efforts. Hoping for a fresh start at Yusung Technical High School, he still finds himself ranking near the bottom. Determined, he forms a study group, though he’s unsure if it will make a difference.
Lee Han Kyeong offers his support, while Pi Han Ul, a powerful figure, warns him to avoid meddling in his domain, saying, “Don’t be curious about Pi Han Ul—you could die.” As the group expands to include Kim Se Hyun, Lee Ji Woo, Choi Hee Won, and Lee Joon, they each bring their own skills and characteristics, joining forces to fight for success.
Adapted from a popular webtoon, Study Group blends action and comedy in a high school setting. The plot revolves around Yoon Ga Min’s journey to balance his dream of academic success with his impressive martial arts skills. When his friends are bullied, Yoon Ga Min unleashes his hidden strength to protect them, showing that he’s ready to fight for both his education and his dream.
Hwang Minhyun stars as Yoon Ga Min, the determined leader of the study group. The supporting cast includes Han Ji Eun, Cha Woo Min, Shin Su Hyun, Lee Kwang Hee, Lee Jong Hyun, Yoon Sang Jung, and others. Study Group is set to premiere on January 23, 2025, with 10 episodes airing on the TVING network.
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