A new anime adaptation of Lewis Carroll’s timeless classic Alice in Wonderland has been announced, marking a surprising revival of the story 73 years after Disney’s animated film. The movie, titled Alice in Wonderland: Dive in Wonderland, is set to premiere nationwide on August 29, 2025, with the release of its debut trailer already stirring excitement.
The upcoming anime is the first-ever film adaptation of Alice in Wonderland in this genre. The story follows a modern girl named Rise, voiced by Nanoka Hara, who gets lost in Wonderland and meets Alice, voiced by Maika Pugh. The film will be produced by TBS Holdings and Shochiku, with direction by Toshiya Shinohara, known for his work on Black Butler. Yuko Kakihara, who contributed to the script for The Apothecary Diaries, will pen the screenplay. Animation will be handled by P.A. Works, the studio behind Skip and Loafer, which is also working on the anime film Colorful Stage! The Movie: A Miku Who Can’t Sing.
Hara, who has previously voiced characters in popular anime such as Suzume and Oshi no Ko, expressed her excitement about returning to anime. She shared her thoughts on playing Rise, saying the character’s struggles are something many people, herself included, could relate to. She believes the enchanting imagery of Wonderland and the film’s heartfelt story will resonate with audiences of all ages, offering both beauty and surprising insights.
Meanwhile, Pugh, a 10-year-old child star, described her joy at landing the role of Alice. She shared her enthusiasm, saying she was thrilled to be part of the project and put significant effort into her voice performance, adjusting her delivery to fit different scenes. Pugh also encouraged both fans of the original Alice in Wonderland story and newcomers to watch the movie.
In a brief synopsis, Alice in Wonderland: Dive in Wonderland is described as a tale of Rise, a modern-day girl, who falls into Wonderland and embarks on an adventure with Alice. The story promises a fresh take on the beloved classic, blending mystery and wonder.
The film is also noteworthy for its historical significance, as Alice in Wonderland has been adapted into several forms over the years, including the 1983 anime series Fushigi no Kuni no Alice.
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