The Telugu-language Indian superhero film “Hanu Man” has quickly risen to prominence, prompting an expansion of screens in North America. Directed by Prasanth Varma (“Zombie Reddy”) and produced by Niranjan Reddy Kandagatla for Primeshow Entertainment, the film unfolds in the fictional village of Anjanadri, narrating the story of Hanumanthu, who awakens the divine powers of Hindu god Lord Hanuman after a near-sea accident.
Distributed by California-based Nirvana Studios in North America, “Hanu Man” opened in 430 locations, achieving a remarkable three-day weekend debut of $2.3 million, as reported by Comscore. Despite facing stiff competition in the crowded release weekend, the film’s strategic planning and widespread coverage across cities proved successful.
Nirvana’s Sundeep Yerramreddy expressed satisfaction, stating, “For a film of this scale, opening across 430 locations is pretty good. It was a crowded release weekend, but we were well prepared and put in a lot of thought, had a release strategy planned for the film, and we covered every city.”
The release of “Hanu Man” coincided with the Pongal/Sankranthi holiday in India, and the film competed against several notable releases, including Telugu-language action films like “Guntur Kaaram” and “Saindhav,” the Tamil-language period action epic “Captain Miller,” and others.
Made on a modest budget of approximately $2.5 million, “Hanu Man” has already grossed $9 million worldwide within a short span. The film earned $6 million in India, along with successful performances in the U.K., Australia, and the U.A.E., in addition to its strong showing in North America.
Promotions in North America involved a comprehensive approach, encompassing radio and social media, particularly on Instagram. Offline efforts included on-the-ground promotions in collaboration with South Asian restaurants and grocery stores. Interest in Hindu mythology, especially around Lord Hanuman, surged ahead of the upcoming consecration of a temple in Ayodhya, India.
Responding to the overwhelming success, Nirvana is set to add at least 100 more locations across North America from Jan. 18, with expectations of surpassing $3 million during the extended MLK weekend. Sundeep Yerramreddy envisions a final tally of $6 to $7 million, placing “Hanu Man” among the highest-grossing Telugu-language films in North America, alongside hits like “RRR,” the “Baahubali” series, and “Salaar.”
As a testament to its triumph, “Hanu Man” revealed plans for a sequel titled “Jai Hanuman,” scheduled for a 2025 release. Director Prasanth Varma expressed gratitude, stating, “The response is overwhelming. It feels surreal. I’m humbled by all the praises and love,” while lead actor Teja Sajja credited the audience for the film’s success, saying, “This is possible only because of the audience. This is their success. Just one word – gratitude.” Producer Niranjan Reddy Kandagatla conveyed immense gratitude to the audience, acknowledging their support that transformed the film into a blockbuster.