Steve Harvey, known for his hosting prowess on ‘Family Feud’ and his court show, faced an unexpected moment during a recent episode. Contestant Jarrell’s response to the question about “sexy dreams” caught everyone off guard when he mentioned his aunt, a response that didn’t make it onto the board.
Harvey, visibly taken aback, quickly moved on to the next contestant who named him, Steve Harvey, as their choice. This unexpected answer left Harvey speechless, albeit flattered. The answer was later accepted as “Celebrity/Jason Momoa,” indicating its popularity among participants.
The question sparked a range of responses, including mentions of bosses, coworkers, clergy, exes, in-laws, doctors, politicians, and even “hot buddies.”
‘Family Feud’ has a history of stirring up controversy, but Harvey has embraced the show’s playful chaos, even jokingly acknowledging its descent into mayhem. Let’s allow the host to enjoy the ride and keep the fun going.
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