In the latest installment of the ‘Bad Boys’ franchise, “Bad Boys: Ride or Die,” Will Smith’s character, Mike Lowry, finds himself on the receiving end of multiple slaps from Martin Lawrence’s character, Marcus Burnett. The scene, positioned near the film’s climax, humorously mirrors a notorious real-life moment involving Will and comedian Chris Rock.
The reference harks back to the 2022 Oscars incident where Will infamously walked onstage and slapped Chris during a live broadcast. This action stemmed from a joke Chris made about Will’s wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, leading to widespread media attention and questions about the repercussions for Will’s career.
Despite the passage of time since the incident, the decision to include this reference in ‘Bad Boys 4’ raises eyebrows. The scene unfolds with Detective Burnett repeatedly slapping his partner while calling him “bad boy,” adding layers of humor and recognition to the nod.
While Will has apologized for his actions, the choice to revisit this moment in a blockbuster film sparks curiosity about its timing and potential impact, particularly considering Chris Rock’s likely sentiments regarding the revisitation of the incident.
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