Paz Vega stars in “Death Has No Master,” a thriller directed by Jorge Thielen Armand, which is currently participating in TIFFCOM’s Tokyo Gap-Financing Market. The producers aim to secure the final 30% of the film’s $1.2 million budget.
Set in Venezuela, the film follows Vega’s character, Carolina, who returns after two decades to sell her family’s cacao plantation. However, the production has shifted to Colombia, where Carolina faces off against former workers who have occupied the land. This leads to a dangerous power struggle that forces her to confront past trauma from a kidnapping and her own violent tendencies.
This project marks Armand’s third feature film, following his acclaimed works “La Soledad” and “La Fortaleza.” He describes his films as explorations of Venezuelan identity in a broken society. “I’ve been away for over a decade, but Venezuela’s violence haunts me daily,” Armand tells Variety. “‘Death Has No Master’ revisits themes from my previous films but focuses on a woman exiled for 20 years. Her conflicting emotions—disenfranchisement, anger, and longing—reflect the experience of many Venezuelans, especially after eight million people have fled the country.”
Armand aims to shed light on issues of corruption and class struggle in modern Venezuela. “Through the metaphor of a fight for a home, I want us to reflect on how a corrupt legal system perpetuates violence,” he explains. “What can we expect from a generation growing up in such despair? In a country where everything is broken, who deserves what property? My film won’t provide answers but will raise these critical questions.”
Producer Stefano Centini of Volos Films Italia is drawn to Armand’s unique perspective on South American themes. “Jorge’s films showcase his ability to discuss identity and politics through the lens of everyday life,” Centini says. “His international experiences, including living in Italy, enhance his storytelling, allowing him to connect with a broader audience.”
Filming is set to begin in mid-2025, with plans for a festival premiere in 2026. At TIFFCOM, the producers aim not only to close the funding gap but also to explore distribution options. Centini highlights the potential of the recent co-production treaty between Japan and Italy, recalling his experience with “The Settlers,” where Taiwan played a key role in funding and creative input.
“We hope Asia can once again be an unexpected partner in this journey,” Centini adds.
In addition to “Death Has No Master,” Armand is developing two more features: an English-language film set in Canada and an Italy-Venezuela co-production with Centini. The duo is also completing a short film titled “Pasta Negra,” scheduled for release next year.
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