Toei Animation’s Mononoke the Movie: Phantom in the Rain, directed by Kenji Nakamura, is one of the most visually captivating anime films of the year. It will be available for streaming on Netflix in just a few weeks.
Similar to the original Mononoke series, Phantom in the Rain follows an unnamed merchant, voiced by Hiroshi Kamiya. This merchant not only sells medicines but also specializes in exorcising “mononoke,” which are malevolent spirits that haunt the living. When the Medicine Seller arrives at the imperial palace, he senses that a mononoke is hiding deep within its inner chambers.
As a man, the Medicine Seller is prohibited from entering the imperial harem, where women like Asa (Tomoyo Kurosawa) and Kame (Aoi Yūki) gather in hopes of becoming mothers to the next royal heir.
However, with a mononoke threatening the palace, he must break this rule. The newly released trailer from Netflix showcases the dazzling chaos that unfolds.
Despite its stunning visuals, Netflix has not heavily promoted Mononoke ahead of its November 28th streaming premiere.
Fortunately, fans won’t have to wait much longer to experience this film.
What to Expect From Mononoke
The film’s narrative explores universal themes relevant today, such as the struggle to maintain individuality in a conformist society and the emotional burdens that weigh on individuals. The central figure is the mononoke, an apparition created when intense human emotions merge with supernatural spirits. The Medicine Seller appears when these spirits disrupt human lives.
The creative team behind this project includes director Kenji Nakamura and character designer Kitsuneko Nagata. The animation direction is led by Yuichi Takahashi, with art direction by Akira Kuramoto and Yoko Saito. The film features a talented voice cast including Hiroshi Kamiya, Tomoyo Kurosawa, Aoi Yuki, Mami Koyama, Kana Hanazawa, and Haruka Tomatsu.
Visual And Artistic Elements
Mononoke the Movie: Phantom in the Rain employs unique animation techniques that blend traditional Japanese paper textures with computer graphics. This artistic style creates a stunning visual experience that draws viewers into its richly detailed world.
The film will premiere at the Animation Is Film Festival in Los Angeles from October 18-20 before its Netflix release. Following this festival debut, audiences can expect Mononoke to be available for streaming shortly thereafter.
Fans of psychological and supernatural horror can look forward to this anticipated release. Meanwhile, they can catch up on the original 2007 Mononoke series, which is currently available on Netflix globally.
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