Dave Chappelle resurrected two of his most beloved characters from Chappelle’s Show during his latest appearance on Saturday Night Live. In a sketch titled “Pop the Balloon,” Chappelle brought back Silky Johnson, the notorious “player hater,” and Ashy Larry, both of whom became fan favorites during Chappelle’s groundbreaking Comedy Central show.
The sketch, hosted by SNL cast member Ego Nwodim (as real-life host Arlette Amuli), parodies the viral YouTube speed dating series “Pop the Balloon.” In the sketch, several women holding red balloons are introduced to a group of bachelors. Chappelle’s Silky Johnson is among the contestants, and he quickly draws the attention of rapper GloRilla, who immediately pops her balloon in disinterest.
Fans of Chappelle’s Show will recall Silky Johnson’s infamous moment at the 2002 Player Hater’s Ball, where he accepted the “Player Hater of the Year” award with a memorable line: “I hate you. I hate you. I don’t even know you, and I hate your guts. I hope all the bad things in life happen to you and nobody else but you.”
Donnell Rawlings also made a return, reprising his role as Ashy Larry, a character known for his comically dry skin. In the sketch, Rawlings’ character is covered in baby powder, highlighting his signature look. He too meets with a series of popped balloons, much to his dismay.
The sketch itself, created by Arlette Amuli and Bolia Matundu, is a parody of a speed dating format where women hold red balloons, popping them when they are uninterested in a bachelor. The bachelor then explains why they were rejected, creating a humorous and awkward dynamic.
Chappelle’s appearance marks his fourth time hosting Saturday Night Live, and he is joined by Grammy-nominated rapper GloRilla, who makes her debut as the musical guest for the night.
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