Mark Wahlberg takes on a new, intense role as a rogue pilot in Flight Risk, a thriller directed by Mel Gibson. The film, set for release on January 24, immerses audiences in a nightmare scenario: being trapped aboard a small plane with a dangerous, psychotic pilot.
In just 91 minutes, Flight Risk delivers a fast-paced, high-stakes narrative. The story follows a government witness, played by Topher Grace, who is being escorted by an FBI agent (Michelle Dockery) on a flight piloted by Wahlberg’s hitman character. As tensions rise, chaos erupts mid-flight.
Gibson, known for his work on Hacksaw Ridge, describes the film as a “tight thriller happening in real time.” He notes that it plays on the viewer’s fear of flying, creating a truly immersive experience. Wahlberg, known for portraying intense characters, relishes the chance to return to his roots as a “totally crazy villain.” He assures audiences that the film “delivers on every level.”
The screenplay, written by Jared Rosenberg, gained recognition in 2020 when it was voted one of Hollywood’s most popular unproduced scripts, according to the Black List, an online platform for screenwriters.
Watch the exclusive Flight Risk trailer below, only on USA TODAY.
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