The supernatural drama series Grimm originally premiered on NBC in 2011 and quickly gained a loyal following. With its unique blend of mythology, fantasy, and crime-solving, Grimm stood out as an intriguing show that kept audiences on the edge of their seats. The show follows Nick Burkhardt, a homicide detective who learns he is a “Grimm,” a guardian who must protect humanity from supernatural creatures known as Wesen. As the series explores both the fantastical and the gritty reality of police work, many fans have wondered whether they can stream Grimm on platforms like Netflix or Hulu. This article will explore the availability of Grimm on these two popular streaming services, along with other options for watching the show.
The Popularity of Grimm
Grimm quickly built a fanbase due to its captivating storyline, engaging characters, and clever use of folklore. The show blends elements of classic fairy tales with modern-day crime dramas, making it a unique choice for viewers interested in both supernatural fiction and detective work. Over six seasons and 123 episodes, Grimm became a favorite among those who love a darker take on the fantasy genre.
The series also features strong performances from its cast, including David Giuntoli as Nick Burkhardt, Russell Hornsby as Hank Griffin, and Silas Weir Mitchell as Monroe. These characters, along with the complex plotlines, kept viewers hooked season after season.
As Grimm ended its run in 2017, fans were left with the burning question: where can they watch it now? Let’s dive into the availability of Grimm on Netflix and Hulu to help you decide where you can binge-watch this beloved show.
Is Grimm Available on Netflix?
As of 2025, Grimm is no longer available for streaming on Netflix in the United States. While the show was available on Netflix in several regions during its original run, it has since been removed from the platform in many countries. This is not uncommon, as streaming rights to TV shows and movies often change over time.
However, there is a possibility that Grimm may still be available on Netflix in other countries. Netflix often offers different content libraries depending on the country you are located in. For instance, it may be available in countries like Canada, the UK, or other regions outside the U.S. It is always a good idea to check Netflix’s catalog for your specific region to see if Grimm is available.
Why Did Grimm Leave Netflix?
Shows come and go from streaming platforms for various reasons, and Grimm’s removal from Netflix is no exception. The primary reason for a show being taken off Netflix is due to licensing agreements.
Streaming services like Netflix must negotiate licensing deals with studios and production companies to keep shows in their catalog. When these deals expire, the show may be removed if the parties involved cannot reach a new agreement.
In Grimm’s case, the streaming rights were likely re-negotiated, and Netflix may have chosen not to renew the deal. Alternatively, other platforms may have acquired the rights to stream the show, leading to its removal from Netflix. While this is disappointing for some viewers, it doesn’t mean Grimm is unavailable for streaming altogether.
Is Grimm Available on Hulu?
Unlike Netflix, Hulu currently offers Grimm for streaming in the United States. As of 2025, all six seasons of the show are available to watch on Hulu, making it the go-to streaming service for fans of the series. Hulu is known for offering a wide variety of content, including popular TV shows, movies, and original series. If you have a Hulu subscription, you can watch every episode of Grimm without any additional charges.
Why Is Grimm on Hulu?
Hulu is a major player in the streaming industry, often partnering with networks like NBC to offer popular shows shortly after they air. In the case of Grimm, Hulu acquired the rights to stream the series after it originally aired on NBC. This is a common practice for Hulu, which provides a combination of current network shows and older series for its subscribers. As Hulu continues to build its library of classic shows, Grimm remains one of the standout offerings from NBC’s lineup.
Additionally, Grimm has garnered a dedicated fanbase over the years, making it an appealing title for Hulu to keep in its catalog. The show’s mix of crime procedural and fantasy elements makes it a great fit for viewers who enjoy both genres, contributing to its enduring popularity.
Other Streaming Options for Watching Grimm
While Netflix and Hulu are two of the most popular streaming platforms, there are other ways to watch Grimm. If you’re not a Hulu subscriber or the show is unavailable in your region, consider the following options:
1. Amazon Prime Video
If you’re an Amazon Prime member, you can purchase individual episodes or entire seasons of Grimm on Amazon Prime Video. The show is not included with a Prime subscription, but the option to buy episodes or seasons gives you the flexibility to watch it without a subscription to Hulu or Netflix.
2. Peacock
As NBC’s own streaming platform, Peacock sometimes carries content that originally aired on NBC, including shows like Grimm. It’s worth checking if the series is available on Peacock, as the streaming service often updates its library with popular network shows.
3. DVD/Blu-ray
If you prefer physical media, you can purchase the complete series of Grimm on DVD or Blu-ray. This is a great option for collectors or those who want to own a copy of the show rather than rely on streaming services. The DVD set typically includes all six seasons and additional bonus features such as behind-the-scenes footage, commentary, and deleted scenes.
4. Digital Purchases
You can also buy Grimm episodes or full seasons from digital stores such as iTunes, Google Play, and Vudu. This allows you to own the episodes and watch them anytime, even if the show leaves streaming services in the future.
Can You Stream Grimm on Other Platforms?
While Netflix and Hulu are the primary streaming options for Grimm, there are a few other services that may offer the show in certain regions or for a fee:
YouTube Movies: Some episodes or seasons of Grimm may be available for digital purchase or rent through YouTube Movies.
Apple TV: Like Amazon Prime, Apple TV offers the ability to purchase individual episodes or full seasons of Grimm.
Google Play Movies & TV: If you’re not subscribed to a streaming service, Google Play also offers episodes for individual purchase.
If you’re looking to watch Grimm, Hulu is currently your best bet for streaming the entire series in the United States. While Grimm was once available on Netflix, the series has since been removed, likely due to the expiration of its streaming rights. For those outside the U.S., Netflix may still offer Grimm in certain countries, but the availability can vary by region.
If you’re not subscribed to Hulu, other platforms like Amazon Prime, Peacock, or digital purchase services provide additional options for watching this supernatural crime drama. Whether you choose to stream, buy, or rent Grimm, there are plenty of ways to enjoy the thrilling adventures of Nick Burkhardt and the world of Wesen. This article provides all the essential information on Grimm’s availability on popular streaming platforms like Netflix and Hulu, offering you the tools to enjoy this captivating series once again.
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