A distinct rendition of the beloved musical “Grease” is hitting the stage in Santa Fe, introducing an Indigenous twist to the well-known production. The revamped version, titled ‘Bear Grease,’ preserves the familiar melodies while infusing a fresh perspective into the storyline. Crystle Lightning and her husband conceptualized the idea, aiming to create an Indigenous iteration of “Grease” that reflects their heritage.
The concept emerged two years ago when Lightning and her husband contemplated the idea of an Indigenous version of the classic musical. ‘Bear Grease’ diverges from the original by incorporating an Indigenous cast from various regions of North America. This cast showcases their cultural diversity through costumes, incorporating traditional elements like ribbon skirts and beadwork alongside the recognizable leather jackets.
Despite adapting the general storyline of “Grease,” ‘Bear Grease’ injects its own flair, offering a distinctive take on the musical experience. Elements of hip hop are intertwined with the melodies, and the cast members infuse their native languages and cultural references into both songs and dialogue. The show’s creators have adeptly woven in cultural humor, creating a well-rounded and engaging production.
The production is not only about entertainment but also serves as a platform to address serious social issues within Indigenous communities. The cast members are committed to shedding light on these matters while maintaining a lighthearted and captivating tone.
“We’re hitting a time where it’s about time we see representation come to the forefront, especially within mainstream entertainment to tell our own stories,” emphasizes Teneil Whiskeyjack, a cast member of ‘Bear Grease.’
The show is set to run from Wednesday through Sunday, adding an innovative Indigenous narrative to a familiar musical favorite.