A captivating new television series titled “The Duchess and Her Magical Kingdom” is set to grace screens, providing an exclusive glimpse into the life of the Duchess of Northumberland and the enchanting world she has brought to life at The Alnwick Garden.
The series, aiming to offer a distinctive perspective, delves into the creative mind of the Duchess and the captivating visitor attraction nestled within The Alnwick Garden.
The premiere episode offers a tantalizing preview: “Jane Percy, the Duchess of Northumberland, undertakes the remarkable task of constructing her fairytale village within the grounds of Alnwick Castle. Embarking on a castle tour, she unveils her vision for the village named Lilidorei, encompassing an awe-inspiring array that includes the world’s largest play structure, a collection of nine unique clan houses, and even a hobgoblin prison. However, challenges arise when ancient culverts are discovered during construction, leading to budgetary complications and unforeseen consequences.”
Central to Lilidorei’s allure is Elfwin Drin, the world’s largest play structure, designed to captivate the hearts of children and draw more than 200,000 visitors annually to Northumberland.
This visionary project, conceived over several years, originates from the Duchess of Northumberland’s imagination. Her aspiration was to create a realm imbued with clan houses, concealed sounds, and visual spectacles, all carefully crafted to inspire children to engage their own creativity.
During the unveiling in May, the Duchess expressed, “Lilidorei has resided within my imagination for the past 12 years, and I am ecstatic to witness my creative vision come to fruition. We are devoted to steering children away from screens and into this colossal magical playground, allowing their imaginations to roam free.”
The establishment of the play village has led to the generation of 50 new job opportunities.
Scheduled for airing on More4 at 9 pm today (Wednesday, August 23), the initial episode marks the commencement of the series.
Viewers keen to experience the entire series can conveniently stream it on Channel 4 On Demand.