The Tamil-language film “Annapoorani: The Goddess of Food,” featuring renowned actor Nayanthara, has been removed from Netflix following vehement objections from Hindu groups. The movie, narrating the journey of a girl from an orthodox Hindu family aspiring to become India’s premier chef, faced a barrage of complaints after its theatrical release on December 1 and subsequent streaming on Netflix from December 29.
Hindu groups across India registered their dissent, alleging that the film offended religious sentiments. In Mumbai, activists affiliated with the Hindu group Bajrang Dal, along with Ramesh Solanki, a self-described activist and founder of the Hindu IT Cell, filed complaints with the police. Solanki, in his complaint, criticized the release of “Annapoorani” during the period of anticipated consecration of the Lord Rama temple in Ayodhya, terming the film “anti-Hindu.”
Solanki specifically pointed out scenes in which Nayanthara, portraying the daughter of a Hindu priest, participates in a Muslim prayer while wearing Islamic attire. He further claimed that the film propagated “Love jihad,” alleging that Nayanthara’s character was manipulated by her Muslim friend, played by Jai, into believing that Lord Rama and the goddess Sita consumed meat, a notion offensive to many Hindus who follow a vegetarian lifestyle.
Those named in the complaints include the film’s director Nilesh Krishnaa, Nayanthara, producers Jatin Sethi and R. Ravindran, Zee Entertainment Enterprises CEO Punit Goenka, Zee Studios chief business officer Shariq Patel, and Netflix India chief Monika Shergill.
Responding to the uproar, Zee Studios issued a letter to the Hindu nationalist organization Vishva Hindu Parishad, expressing regret and assuring that the film would be withdrawn from Netflix for editing. The letter acknowledged no intention to harm the sentiments of Hindus and Brahmins, apologizing for any inconvenience caused.
Nayanthara, a prominent figure in South Indian cinema, recently starred in the successful film “Jawan,” alongside Shah Rukh Khan. “Annapoorani,” her 75th film, has been removed from Netflix following the licensor’s request, as confirmed by a spokesperson for the streaming platform.